10 Things About Me

You Might Find Interesting, Amusing or a bit Quirky!


I was so shy as a kid I wouldn’t let my mum out of my sight. She had to leave me with the neighbours to get some time to herself… and I screamed the whole time.

After becoming a mum, I now know how hard that must’ve been! Sorry mum.

I’m a pretty equal balance of introvert/extrovert.

I’ve trained myself to be ok with being a teacher, trainer and speaker but I do still get nervous (the extrovert in me calls it excited!).

My greatest love is talking to people 1:1 and in small groups. when you meet me, be prepared! I’ll probably ask you lots of “I want to know the real you” questions.


When I worked as a Kinesiologist, Medical Intuitive and Energy Healer I would “read” a persons energy field using my intuition.

We are born with this ability, we just need to play and practise. This was how I learned lots of ways to “tune in” and it’s what I now teach others to do.

One day I asked “Where is our “purpose? I was shown the energy of the heart and travelled into what seemed like a black hole, where I connected with the soul.

I now use the term “Soul Signature” to describe the unique pattern of energy that I see which is someone’s soul purpose. I mean, wow, what a privilege.

It’s amazing where your heart takes you when you follow it.


I originally trained at university to be an art teacher. I also had a psychology major which, unknown to me, would later be very important in a life twist when my mum Judy, and I, would write a best selling book and program.

I loooved art at school but after a few years teaching I realised my heart was calling me to explore the world outside the school system.

I had no idea i would end up using my art as part of my healing practice.


I have one son, born in 2001, when I was 41.

I was considered an “old” mum. He was (and is) a wonderful surprise. I never expected to fall pregnant at 40.

So all you soul sisters who are still waiting for your precious baby to join you, never give up hope.


My mum Judy is a shrink (yeh, imagine having a psychologist and school counsellor for a mum when you’re a kid! Ya never get away with anything!)

I learned sooo much from her about being an independent, entrepreneurial woman. Judy published 5 books in her working life, showing me I could do it too!

I’m up to 3 so far: Diet No More!,  The Seed of Intuition (which is a collaboration book with me and 7 of my Soul Circle group members) and The Game of Intuition and How to Play It due to be published in 2024.

In 1995 Judy and I published a best selling book and program called Diet No More. We had both been yo-yo dieters for years, losing weight then always regaining it back, plus more, until we both said “NO MORE!”

The book helps people understand the psychology behind natural eating (which is now be called intuitive eating), and how to change the way we think about food, weight and our bodies.


I love exploring the relationship between science and spirituality. The more we understand the nature of reality and the quantum universe, the more we see the parallels to age-old teachings in spiritual texts.

For example, I’m really interested in fact we are all part of the quantum field (which spirituality calls God, Love, The Universe, Energy etc) and what that means for us in our lives, in a practical sense.

The science says we are not, and cannot be, separate from each other or events in the world (we are one energy field). Not only are we all connected, our world reflects back what is already present within us (often unconsciously). What I want to know is, what is the reflection?

This is one of the questions I explore in my new book The Game of Intuition and How to Play It.

There is an intuition game in the book called Mirror Mirror on the Wall, that helps you find out exactly what your world is reflecting (and how to change it). 

I also show you how to tune in to your intuition so you’re confident you can trust your answers. There there are 6 unique intuition games to play. 

Available in Kindle or full colour paperback on Amazon.


I live in a bushy suburb in Sydney, Australia. I love the deep quiet of the nearby national park.

At home we get kookaburras (my favourite animal of all time), cockatoos, lots of different parrots, possums and the occasional blue tongue lizard.

This is one of my early paintings of the bush.

The world is becoming so loud these days, we are bombarded by so much information it’s hard to know if they’re your own thoughts any more – and the quiet voice of your intuition is drowned out.

It’s one of the big reasons people join my intuition groups, so they tell me. It’s the only time they can be quiet, get connected and follow the stream of information and guidance from their intuition, without being interrupted.


I love love love love vibrant colour. I make my own tie dyed t-shirts so I can choose the colour mixes I want. This is my sister and I at a Pink concert.

I love to be creative and I couldn’t help but incorporate creative elements into the games in my new book The Game of Intuition and How to Play It. 

To me, there’s nothing better than having intuitive insight into a life problem in a fun and creative way!

You don’t need to be an artist  – if you can draw a stick figure you can play! You’ll find The Dimensional Drawing Game in the book along with a live video so you can follow along or audio if you prefer to listen.

You can play both games in person in The Intuition Play Circle group.



I credit the practise of Qigong with increasing my intuitive abilities. I was a teacher for many years while studying with Qigong Master Glenys Brown from Perth, Australia. 

10 years ago when I was working in Wellness Clinic as a Kinesiologist, Medical Intuitive and Healer, my intuition gave me a surprising message: “Let go of all your books, tools and manuals and use only your intuition to work with clients. Leave the clinic encironment.”

WHAT??? My eyeballs popped out! No tools of the trade?

I started to doubt my intuition. How can I do that and where will I go?

It was the next day(!) a friend called and offered to share an office on the 22nd floor of a building – overlooking Sydney harbour! “No way I can afford that” I thought.

I was completely dumbfounded when she offered it to me for $80 PER WEEK!!! My jaw hit the floor.

When you get an intuitive message like that followed by out-of-the-blue real world evidence it is mind blowing. Needless to say, I went. I learned I could help anyone without manuals or books. It was a pivotal moment in my life.


I’m left handed. I draw, write and paint with my left, in fact most things I do left handed.

But being a ‘lefty’ in primary school meant I picked up learning strategies that were meant for ‘righties’. My teacher taught our class the way to remember which one was our right or left was the phrase, “you write with your right”.

It was so ingrained in me that my writing hand was my right, that to this day my brain thinks I am right handed. If I have to quickly point a direction for right or left I will point left when I mean right! Confusing? You’re right (pun intended)! Lol.

My Story



MY Vision

Minim conserrare nemine iure nibh vel ulterioribus quia lorem inaudito solatium eorum consternati.

MY Mission

Dicit promoveram belgos sunt ante qui posteritatem quia minus luptatum incidunt porro bcatissimae.

Superstites altero apparct vero. Adversis potenti hic-quos, accessum perpetuitas activitate convalescere. Carbone claritas magna innoccntiae +3 tetnpore se. Dolorem eos irritare blandit nuntius libere benevolam hibernorum videtis nocturnum. 





A Little about me

Minim conserrare nemine iure nibh vel ulterioribus quia lorem inaudito solatium. Superstites altero apparct vero. Adversis potenti hic-quos, accessum perpetuitas activitate convalescere carbone claritas.


Personal Coach

Minim conserrare nemine iure nibhvel ulterioribus quia lorem inaudito sol eorum.



Nulla conserrare beatae iure minimum posteritatem eget atque privatis hic parum.


Wellness Coach

Clari kopenhagen partes eius aspirat abdicationis fuga facer incidunt dui saepe.


interior designer

Minim conserrare nemine iure nibhvel ulterioribus quia lorem inaudito sol eorum.


konmari expert

Nulla conserrare beatae iure minimum posteritatem eget atque privatis hic parum.


Blogger & producer

Clari kopenhagen partes eius aspirat abdicationis fuga facer incidunt dui saepe.

Hello! I’m Jenny McFadden

I’m a Transformation coach and mentor, best selling author and intuitive artist with 30 years experience.

With a background in Psychology, Kinesiology, Energy Medicine, Qigong and NLP I can assist you to tune in and find your way forward guided by the wisdom of your soul.

I’ll show you how to get helpful insights and practical next steps from your intuition in any area of your life – in unique and creative ways.

I offer both short and longer term VIP coaching packages, whatever works besy for you.

Book in for a complimentary 30 min online coffee and lets’ chat or email me back: jenny@jennymcfadden.net.

“My mission is to empower you to begin a conversation with your inner wisdom and through curiosity and play, to receive clear messages that you can action in this physical realm”.
